thinner than 1.5 mm. Final text for the post: Periodicallycheck the brake pads and discs for wear – when new, the brake pads have approx.2.5 mm thick, of which you can use a maximum of 1.5 mm. Periodically measurethe thickness of the disc at the mechanic or with a caliper and replace it whenit reaches 1.5 mm. 5 ways to repurpose content Repurpose content! It's anexhortation. Benefit from one of the most effective content marketingstrategies. by Ioana June 12, 20221 minute story seeker reuses contentrepurpose content Reuse content! Adapt it according to the communicationchannel used and the audience you are addressing. and reach a larger and relevant audience for your business.In fact, content
reuse is one of the most effective content marketingstrategies . Here is a concrete Italy WhatsApp Number Data example! Let's say you have a really good blogARTICLE. You know this because you've seen the numbers in analytics. Yourreaders are very interested in what you communicate in the article. Take partof the article and turn it into quotes that you can put on your Instagramvisuals. Film yourself using the article as a script - in a maximum of 1 minute(for Facebook, Instagram), in a maximum of 10 minutes for YouTube and linkedIn.Do you have multiple articles on the same theme, which complement each otherperfectly? Wonderful! Collect them all in one valuable, free ebook and use itto grow your email address base. Send a newsletter based on your article and

encourage subscribers to read more on your site. Give yourreaders the opportunity to share the article or portions of it on social media.Content marketing is extremely effective especially when it reaches your targetaudience through multiple communication channels. You inform, educate,entertain and at the same time position yourself as an expert in the field andgain trust. From here to conversion is such a... small step. Start creatingvaluable content right now! When is it a good idea to promote yourself in printmedia? Print media is not dead, and if your target audience reads suchpublications, then you need to promote yourself! by Ioana May 28, 20222 minutesstory seeker press When you decide to use promotion in the print media and