Protective factors such as emotional support and activities and hobbies valued by the person, which help in treatment. We also look for signs of depression, as most patients who have attempted or are thinking about suicide live with serious conditions of this disease. Scales are used to assess mental state and mood. Impulsivity, despair and a rigid purpose for suicide are aggravating risk factors and require early assessment. Some factors indicate that the person may have suicidal tendencies such as self-harm. It is important to know how to differentiate that a person who practices self-harm does not necessarily want to die and that this point must be investigated. Related posts difference between depression and anxiety suicide: how to understand the reasons and deal with the fact fundamental points the questions.
That are asked permeate points that lead the professional to understand the patient's current situation, how much they want to live, whether they feel unhappiness or hopelessness, whether Country Email List they see meaning in life, whether they think about death and how often, whether they have ever thought about take your own life and whether you want to do so. Among these issues, two points are fundamental to identifying the severity of the risk of suicide, and these are: history of previous attempts to take one's own life and planning to commit suicide, especially if the person has access to means that can reinforce the act. Final. Risk stratification is divided into: grave when the patient has already attempted suicide, they have persistent thoughts of taking their own life and think about doing so in the short term.

Moderate history of attempts, persistent thoughts and planning of death. Light when the patient has a conception of death, but has not made any plans for it. After classifying the patient into one of these levels, the psychiatrist begins the necessary action. Patients with more severe levels, who represent an imminent danger to their own lives, are recommended for immediate hospitalization until their condition is stabilized. Those with milder levels can receive treatment in primary care. Treatment treatment involves the use of medications (antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics) and direct monitoring, as these medications usually begin to take effect within an average of two weeks, and regular consultations with a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Consultations are scheduled according to the patient's severity and are established by the professionals working in the case. Receive news in your email every month 300x163 trust relationship it is very.