In the midst of this great chaos, the only certain thing is that the ball is now in the court of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella , who should begin consultations this Wednesday, in accordance with constitutional law. Equally certain, at least according to former Prime Minister Conte, is that the responsibility for this crisis, which exposes Italy "to serious risks", is due entirely to the decisions that Salvini has taken , who decided, according to Conte, " to interrupt this government experience to urgently return to the polls . Not content with that, Conte added: “dear Minister of the Interior, dear Matteo, by promoting this crisis the Government has assumed a great responsibility before the country .
He announced it asking for full powers to govern the country and, recently, I heard that you asked for support from the streets: this conception of yours, let me say, worries me." Read more: France calls its ambassador in Rome for consultations in a historic diplomatic confrontation with Italy that had not been seen since World War II In short, a real accusation: “we do not need men Middle East Phone Number List with full powers, but people who have institutional culture and a sense of responsibility. If it had demonstrated knowledge of the law and institutional sensitivity, all the Government's action would certainly have attracted benefits.” And it ends with a poisonous hint on the issue of Russian financing received by the Lega : “if I had agreed to come to the Senate to report on the Russia matter, a story that objectively deserves to be clarified at the international level, I would have prevented myself from appearing in his place after refusing to share the information in his possession.

His speech ended with the announcement that he would present his resignation to the President of the Republic , Sergio Mattarella, who "will lead the country in this delicate institutional transition." Matteo Salvini Matteo Salvini Salvini's response Faced with Conte's harsh speech, which Salvini described as "more than a lawyer for the people, today Conte has spoken like a prosecutor", the leader of the Lega had no choice but to respond, and he did so from the senators' bench. from his party and not from the seats of the government to which he still belongs. Salvini took the floor and solemnly announced that he “would do again everything I did , with the great strength of being a free man. “He who fears the judgment of the Italian people is not a free woman or man.