And then there is another problem with the search algorithm keywords are not enough and the reputation of a channel is more important in the ranking of results. There, its exactly like Google SEO Google looks at the authority of a website to decide whether or not to highlight its content in search results. A popular website will often be ahead of a site that is not. Even if its content is less good. Its the same on YouTube. If Marketing Mania makes a video on the YouTube algorithm, it will surely be ahead of mine in the results because the algorithm has more confidence in its channel, which is older than mine.
So in summary dont spend all your energy making sure your video ranks well on YouTube. This Albania WhatsApp Number is much less important than being in the recommendations or suggestions. Come on, next misconception! . Promoting Videos on Social Networks This is THE thing that the socalled YouTube experts recommend you do as soon as your video is released, share it on your social networks to excite the algorithm. Until today, thats what I did proud of my latest video, I was always quick to share it on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and my website. Indeed, it allowed me to generate views but the YouTube algorithm doesnt care.

YouTube knows how to differentiate between the sources of a view. He knows when it comes from Facebook, LinkedIn or any other website. You can bring back , or , views from your networks, if the algorithm realizes that the criteria seen in the first part are not good, it will not highlight your video. If the clickthrough rate or Watch Time is lower than competing videos, YouTube will put them ahead of yours. The thing is, by sharing your video on social networks in the first hours, you degrade these indicators in two ways First, someone who watches your video from LinkedIn will then return to LinkedIn.