In the function's block should result in three successful tests. You may be wondering how the test above is able to check how many times it was called. Remember that in the context of this file the module is mocked and its default exports are configured to provide functions that return static string values. Since the mocked function has been used, it is now registered as a function that you can monitor. So you can access special properties such as the number of times a function was called during the current test. Verify that the function contains the newly created tags in the array it returns. In this test you need to verify that the function returns the tags associated with each tag name supplied to the function. This means it should return existing tags and any newly created tags. This test should cause the first call to return one label to simulate finding an existing label. the second call to return two labels to indicate that it found two newly created labels.
Calling the function with three labels ens photo editing servies ures that all three are returned. Add the following test to accomplish this task. Verify that the above test works by running Copy. Validation function returns empty array when no tag names are provided As you would expect if no tag names are provided to the function it should be unable to return any tags. In this test verify that this behavior works by adding the following Copy to this All scenarios identified by this feature have been tested If you run the tests using any of the scripts you added you should see that all tests run and pass successfully Copy Note If you have not run this command you may be prompted to install the package and rerun the command.

Successful Test Suite Test Function This function is a very different scenario than the previous function. As you may have already determined this function simply wraps a call to the client function. Because of this, you guessed it, this feature doesn't actually require testing. Summary and Next Steps During the course of reading this article, you learned what unit testing is and why it's important for your application. You saw some examples of situations where unit testing is not strictly required. Setup Learn some tips to make it easier when writing tests Try writing unit tests for services in While this article only covers one file in the offer, the concepts and methods for testing tag services apply to the rest of the application as well. I encourage.