Use multiple content styles. We know that training is not as effective when it takes the form of text-heavy, lecture-style presentations. This is why you should implement several different content styles. This makes it more engaging for your audience, and they are more likely to remember what you teach them. You should include images, videos, and examples (perhaps sharing your screen) to keep things interesting. If you can, gamify it. of learners find gamified learning more engaging and motivating than traditional courses. This could mean hosting live challenges and offering prizes to the winners. You can gamify training by asking a question and saying the first person to answer will win a prize.
You can play training games, role-play sales calls, and refine different sales methods. Here, we have Phone Number List a get-to-know-you game. There is a virtual game board here. People receive points for answering questions about themselves. This incentivizes a transparent, open environment. Arrange group discussions. With virtual training, there is no limit to the number of participants you can attend. That is, the more people there are, the harder it is to encourage participation. To alleviate this challenge, schedule breakout sessions for high-quality group discussions.

With minute breakout sessions, you allow participants to solve problems and complete activities. Add Q&A at the end. training you’re doing, it’s important to leave room for audience questions. You should encourage attendees to write their questions in the chat. You can also encourage great live conversations by encouraging participants to ask questions as they come up. Ask for feedback and iterate. Always ask for feedback from your audience. Then, use that feedback to iterate on your training. Often, this means deeper research or feedback on the platform itself.