Can segment your audience in targeted advertising. Socio-demographic characteristics ground age family status presence of children; income hydraulic education occupational activity field. Geography A country, region, city, city size ( , , million population). Interests The main and primary factor for segmentation in social networks is the interests of the target audience. You can identify them in different ways through settings in your ad account.
Through subscriptions and activity in communities ( , ), and more. Or you can last database use the Service to analyze your target audience's interest in content. Segmenting your target audience by interest depends on the technical capabilities of the platform you are using and the specifics of your project. We offer two ways to segment your target audience based on their interests. Abstract the cabinet and chest settings from your audience to roughly outline the interests.

Of potential buyers. Then consider how to find these criteria through your ad account. Opportunity to view system settings to view targeting and recommended targeting lists. Important: Not all possible criteria will initially appear in the detailed targeting list. Start typing your desired interests and similar options will appear.