Everyone has published a story on Instagram at least once in their life*. Disappearing content is not new, it is present in many social networks: Snapchat, Facebook*, VKontakte and even Odnoklassniki. They are all organized in a similar way and are popular among users.
This is, of course, very cool and wonderful, but on the wave of popularity of such a format, many for some reason forgot about WhatsApp, the functionality of which also provides for a similar format, only it is not called "stories" or "moments", but "statuses". Not to be confused with VKontakte statuses.
You will say: "I already publish stories and earn money from advertising on my blogs, why do I need your WhatsApp? I only communicate with my grandmother there." Fair enough, but give us a chance, we will put everything on the shelves.
What are WhatsApp statuses?
WhatsApp statuses are a communication format designed for exchanging wordpress web design agency photos, videos (up to 30 sec.), text or GIFs.
Just like stories, statuses automatically disappear after 24 hours. Just like stories, they are displayed in a presentation format with the familiar forward and backward scrolling.
Why do you need statuses in WhatsApp?
With the help of statuses, you can share content not with one user, not with chat participants, but with all your contacts at once.
Well, if used skillfully, statuses can become an additional tool for promotion, earning money and attracting attention to goods/services.

Who sees your statuses?
Only users who are in your address book and who have you in their address book can see statuses.
Status privacy can be customized. You just need to go to the "privacy" tab and choose the option that suits you.
Where can I find statuses?
The tool is located in the lower left corner in the “Status” tab.
How to find out the number of status views?
Under each status there is a number indicating the number of users who have seen your photo, video or text.
How to find out who viewed your status?
Just swipe up on the status and you'll see not only the list of people who viewed it, but also the time they did so.
How to view someone else's status?
In the same “status” tab in the lower left corner.
What else can you do with the status?
Reply to it. Under each status of another user you will see an arrow with the inscription "reply". The answer will come to your personal messages.
2. Forward and share either on WhatsApp itself or on other social networks and applications.