titles have undergone some modifications. Bringing the url to a perfectly optimize state. So. Let’s start here and go through a series of steps to get the best url for seo. For the purposes of this article. We will use one of our own title: how to craft the perfect seo title tag (our 4-step process) 2. Delete special characters have you ever seen a url with backslashes () or square brackets ([ ])? You may not have seen it because these unsafe characters do not belong to the url. Obviously you should remove these characters. But it's better to remove other special characters like commas. Colons. Semicolons.
Etc. Here’s what UAE Phone Number google’s john mueller had to say : I generally recommend avoiding special characters like commas. Semicolons. Colons. Spaces. Quotes. Etc. In urls to keep things simple. Such urls are often difficult to automatically link to (when someone posts in a forum or elsewhere) and difficult to correctly identify when we parse the text content to try to find new urls. So let's remove all characters that are not in the alphabet - although we'll keep the spaces for now. How to craft the perfect seo title tag our 4 step process 3. Delete numbers you'll notice that our article is a four-step process. With that number shown in the title.
This is perfectly fine as the title is easily change. If we update the post one day and add a fifth step. We can easily change the page title. Title change for urls. The situation is different. Whenever you change a page or the number of items in a post to keep it up to date. You must reirect to a new url. Reirecting article urls is usually no big deal. Wordpress does this automatically when you change the slug. However. When you update. It's easy to forget to update the url number. Which leads to this problem in search results: 2 incongruent title url a better solution is to negate the numbers in the url entirely.