This way you can deactivate all functions that you don't need and declutter the plugin (the same applies to Yoast SEO). Ensure visibility for search engines Google needs access to the website in order to crawl and index it. This is the only way the website can rank at all. Therefore, your most important to-do is to manually activate search engine visibility. Alternatively, your website is locked out by robots.txt .
However, visibility for search engines should only be activated once basic settings such as the URL structure and initial content have been determined. Or to put it another way: Don’t have your Phone Number WordPress website indexed until you feel like you’re ready to go . Optimization of the URL structure The permalink , i.e. the link under which a page can be permanently accessed, plays an important role in search engine optimization. WordPress automatically creates a permalink from the title of a post. This can potentially be fatal. Because both users and Googlebots prefer understandable URLs .

It is therefore important to specify how it should be created in the settings under “Permalinks”. Pay attention to the following things: Make sure it is a speaking URL. This not only makes sense from an SEO perspective, but also makes it easier for users to remember and orientate themselves on the URL. Limit yourself to your keyword or at least include it. Use the URL to represent the hierarchy of your website.Premium Content : You probably know this term from surfing the Internet. More and more people are striving for quality content that goes beyond free content.