and considering that Law No. 19,640 established special fiscal and customs regimes for the then national territory of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands, with the aim of increasing the level of economic activity in the territory. Articles 453 et seq. of the Customs Act (Law No. 22,415 and its amendments) provide for the guarantee system and articles 600 to 607 provide for the special customs zones. Resolution No. 4712 of the then General Administration of Customs on November 10, 1980 and its amendments determined the origin determination procedures for products manufactured in special customs zones in its Annex 14. General Resolution (AFIP) No. 3,885 and its amendments and supplements provide for the general regime applicable to the formation, extension, replacement, extension and extinguishment of guarantees in favor of the Federal Administration of Public Revenue and are set out in point 4 thereof stipulated. Annex II deals with matters relating to release.
The Federal Administration of Public Taxation is an autonomous entity within the scope of the Ministry of Economy and has the responsibility, through the Customs Service, to authorize the operational and customs regimes to which goods involved in international transport may be subject, as well as to ensure the validity and speed of procedures for telegraph numbers . Likewise, the powers and powers of the Ministry of Production and Environment of the Province of Tierra del Fuego in the Antarctic and South Atlantic Archipelago include the certification and certification of origin of products originating in the Special Customs Territory of Tierra del Fuego. del Fuego and establish the regulations necessary to promote the development of production in the above mentioned areas. Based on the experience gathered, it is recommended to establish an information exchange procedure between the Federal Public Tax Administration and the Ministry of Production and Environment of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands in order to speed up the control time and lift the request to the General Administration of Customs regarding the aforementioned Law No. 19,640 Guarantees provided by special customs territories established. The Federal Public Tax Administration and the technical areas and long-term legal services of the governments of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands have implemented interventions that fall within their purview. This proclamation is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 7 of Decree No. 618 of 10 October and its amendments and supplements and Article 135 of the Constitution of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands. Therefore, the Federal Public Tax Administration and the Governor of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands decide: [Related content] Article 1. - Implementation of the Federal Public Tax Administration (an autonomous entity within the scope of the Ministry of Economy) and Tierra del Fuego Information exchange procedure between the Ministry of Production and Environment of the Province of Antarctica and Islands South Atlantic, in order to expedite the release of customs operations guarantees related to the certification of origin of the special customs area governed by Law No. 19,640, which is recorded in the annex has been approved and constitutes part of this document.
